Tuesday, 9 February 2010

BREAKING NEWS: B-HED takes the Super Bowl. Badass redefined.

WHO DAT? Uh… it’s B-HED at the Superbowl!

Let’s take a poll. Everyone who got tickets to this year’s super bowl, stand up. It wasn't easy to get those tickets. Well, for MORTALS that is. You know B-HED was there. Of course he was there! Thanks to an esteemed member of the CSI Miami staff, and all-around great guy, B-HED made it to Super Bowl XLIV. In all likelihood, he got there in a European Handbag. A murse, if you will. 

We suspect his ticket was assured in order to guarantee a Saints win. He is, after all, the first to ever be sainted while still alive - or, well, in his case, not recycled yet. 
This year’s Superbowl was held at Sun Life Stadium in Miami Gardens. Imagine the condition of the restrooms, with 76,500 partying crazies drinking beer in the hot Florida Sun? Working on that cleaning staff – now that’s heroic.

The game went all storybook, with a come from behind win by the “team of destiny”. It was almost as if the game was really just a scripted backdrop to a CSI:Miami episode… I guess we’ll never know, will we? If you were wondering where our dear David Caruso was during the half-time show – and of COURSE you were – fear not: his motivational talents were obviously needed elsewhere – to help turn the tide of the game. What, you think it’s just a coincidence that the 2nd half was OWNED by the Saints?

 Say “Thank you David” kids. I’m sure you feel better now. I mean, it had to be pretty damn serious to change the planned half-time show, which OBVIOUSLY would have had David come on and help the Who blow the house down. It was far too short notice to get B-HED up there and help out with the vocals. The Who did alright on their own. I suppose.

It’s possible that B-HED’s presence in the stands was too much for the band: the pressure to perform under such scrutiny was overwhelming. 76,500 people in the stands is one thing, but an icon of B-HED’s stature. Something else entirely. 

Maybe with some practice, they can get used to the pressure.

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