On Jan 27th, B-HED met more of his adoring public while attending a Toronto Raptors vs the Miami Heat NBA game. Here are some highlights:
During the first half, several fans approached our 6 inch piece of heaven, requesting guidance and affection.
Ok, not really… but many wanted to touch his sweet sweet plastic manhood. And watch his bobble.
By halftime, B-HED had established his own audience, slipping onto the jumbotron (big monitor above centre court) and talking to some B-HED fans about love, life, real-life David Caruso (RLDC) and big fat Cuban cigars. Some other things happened in between, where the teams played, someone scored, yada yada yada. That all got in the way of B-HED’s attention. After all, like the RLDC, the world DOES revolve around him.
Ya Face Productions is a Toronto operation, but we thought it only fair to ask the stadium cameras to STOP focusing so much on B-HED - it was distracting the Miami players during a very important conference game. It did no good - the damage was done and the Raptors pulled out a come from behind win to leapfrog Miami in the Eastern Conference. Go figure. We'll have to talk to Raptor management about getting B-HED season tickets - we can take them all the way at this rate!
After the game, B-HED was invited onto the court. B-HED was moderately honoured. Apparently, it is rare for anyone/thing to gain such access. We are not surprised; the extent of his coolness knows no bounds. Later, at one of the many stadium bars, B-HED was mistaken for Conan. The unfortunate fellow now clucks like a chicken and walks with a serious limp. Poor bastard, I'll bet he didn't even see it coming.
In the end, we can all be thankful that B-HED allowed the Miami 'Heat' to keep their franchise label, regardless of how douchy a name it is. Anymore emphasis on the obvious? What's next? The LA Smog? The Jersey Polluters?
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