While on 'business' in Las Vegas (thanks to a mind-blowing David Caruso sponsored adventure, B-HED managed to hit (and hit HARD) all the Vegas hot spots: The strip, BlogWorld and Bellagio's THE BANK nightclub, to name a few. Knowing that curious minds all over the world were anticipating his journey, B-HED's exploits were continually updated on all of DC's social networking sites.. never missing a beat.
While visiting BlogWorld, B-HED was featured in a web interview for Hitman Public Relations. Can you imagine the server overload once this interview was posted on the Hitman's PR Blog? According to DC, Frank Nein (Lexicon Digital's VP) was rocking the Soprano's shirt.
While hanging out at the BlogWorld after party at The Bank Nightclub, B-HED was VERY proud to connect with the Left Brain partner of Comet branding -- an up and coming PR company based in Milwaukee Wisconsin. Check out Comet Branding.Poor Sara was one of many unsuspecting women hypnotized by B-HED's sexy cool. For shizzle.
A valuable life lesson was learned in Vegas that week: Only Frank Nein and B-HED could have the mojo to pull off wearing a Man Purse in a legendary nightclub. Franky Nines judiciously won that night. However, the Man Purse is a dangerous thing... it sometimes attracts guys who tend to like to wear 'other' classically female accessories. One can only assume that the skirt in the middle is the only one that didn't get lifted by Tiger Woods - this, after all, was his famous watering hole - before getting his clock cleaned with a nine iron.
Throughout the night, it was not unusual to see B-HED judging beauty contests, evaluating the DJ's playlist or holding your girlfriend's hair as she expels the booze demons in the restroom.
In the end, B-HED left his mark. He concquered Vegas, and made social media his bitch.
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